IZPIT: Individualno pri predavatelju po dogovoru preko e-poste, po moznosti vsaj po dva naenkrat.
Za izpit bo objava + kratek pogovor (zagovor objave, osnove predmeta). Objava: ali seminarska ali objava referata vsaj na domaci konferenci ali objava v reviji. |
EXAM: When ready, send an email. If possible at least 2 students at one exam.
Short theory about basics, and a paper at the international conference or in a journal. |
IKT3 Course syllabus / Ucni programi: Cognitive sciences / Kognitivna znanost, Intelligent systems and agents / Inteligentni sistemi in agenti, Business intelligence 2 / Poslovna inteligenca 2, Ambient intelligence / Ambientalna inteligenca.
IKT2 Course syllabus / Ucni programi: Network intelligent systems and agents / Omrezni inteligentni sistemi in agenti, Business intelligence 1 / Poslovna inteligenca 1,
Lecture / Predavanje:
Lectures - see the MPS schedule.
Attendance at conferences counts for a couple of hours, e.g., Information society.
Individual work - send an email.
Predavanja so bila 18.11.2004 v cetrtek na podiplomski soli IJS, 4 ure predavanj, druga predavanja so bila 28.2.2005, 1.3.2005, 2.3.2005 kot obisk AgentLinkIII na IJS.
First lectures were on Thursday 18.11.2004 at 15.15, 4 hours, second lectures on 28.2.2005, 1.3.2005, 2.3.2005 in the form of AgentLinkIII held at IJS first days of March. In 2006 and 2007, lectures were performed in 1 day - 22.10.2007.