Inteligentni sistemi and robotika



Prof. dr. Matjaz Gams

Izpiti / Exams

IZPIT: Individualno pri predavatelju po dogovoru preko e-poste, po moznosti vsaj po dva naenkrat. 

Za izpit bo seminarska + kratek pogovor (zagovor seminarske, osnove predmeta). Poleg seminarske (10 strani) tudi objava referata vsaj na domaci konferenci. Objava v reviji nadomesti oboje.  

Ucni programi: Kognitivne znanosti, Inteligentni sistemi in agenti, Poslovna inteligenca.  

EXAM: When ready, send an email. If possible at least 2 students at one exam.

Short theory about basics, seminar work (10 pages) and a paper at the international conference. Or a paper in a journal instead of both.  

Course syllabus: Cognitive sciences, Intelligent systems and agents, Business intelligence.  

it moves!

Predavanja 2015-2016 / Lectures 2015-2016

Business intelligence / Poslovna inteligenca

3.12.2015, 13:00-17:00, Soba predavatelja

Intelligent systems and agents / Inteligentni sistemi in agenti

3.12.2015, 13:00-17:00, Soba predavatelja

Intellligence, inf. society, intelligent systems / Inteligenca, inf. družba, inteligentni sistemi

Inteligentni agenti / Intelligent agents

Kognitivne znanosti / Cognitive sciences

3.12.2015, 13:00-17:00, Soba predavatelja

Predavanja 2013-2014 / Lectures 2013-2014

Business intelligence / Poslovna inteligenca

6.2.2014, 15:00-17:15, Oranžna soba

Intelligent systems and agents / Inteligentni sistemi in agenti

23.1.2014, 15:00-17:15, Oranžna soba

Intellligence, inf. society, intelligent systems / Inteligenca, inf. družba, inteligentni sistemi

Inteligentni agenti / Intelligent agents

Kognitivne znanosti / Cognitive sciences

13.1.2014, 15:00-17:15, Oranžna soba

Predavanja 2012-2013 / Lectures 2012-2013

29.1.2013 (16:00-18:00) Kognitivne znanosti/Cognitive sciences

Predavanja 2012-2013 / Lectures 2012-2013

17.1.2013 (16:00-18:00) Business intelligence / Poslovna inteligenca

Predavanja 2012-2013 / Lectures 2012-2013

18.12.2012 (16:00-18:00) Intelligent systems and agents / Inteligentni sistemi in agenti

Intellligence, inf. society, intelligent systems / Intelligenca, inf. druzba, inteligentni sistemi

Inteligentni agenti / Intelligent agents

Predavanja 2011-2012 / Lectures 2011-2012

30.11.2011 (15:00-19:00) Business intelligence / Poslovna inteligenca

Inteligentni agenti/Intelligent agents

Kognitivne znanosti/Cognitive sciences

Predavanja 2010/ Lectures 2010

27.10.2010 (15:00-17:00) Intelligent systems and robotics
Inteligentni sistemi in robotika

Intelligent Systems and Robotics (ISR) are advanced information sciences and technologies including intelligent systems, ambient intelligence, business intelligence, evolutionary computation, cognitive sciences, humanoid robotics, computer vision, controlling robots and systems. These are key information society technologies enabling knowledge-based society.
Evolutionary algorithms ICT3), 3 ECTS
Humanoid and service robotics (ICT3), 3 ECTS
Intelligent systems (ICT3), 3 ECTS
Intelligent robot control (ICT3), 3 ECTS
Cognitive Sciences (ICT3), 3 ECTS
Business intelligence (ICT3), 3 ECTS
Robot vision ICT3), 3 ECTS
Modern control systems (ICT3), 3 ECTS

Lecture / Predavanje:

15.7.2010 (16:00-17:30) Intelligent systems / Inteligentni sistemi

Predavanja 2009-10/ Lectures 2009-10

28.10.2009 (14:00-15:00) Intelligent systems / Inteligentni sistemi

Predavanja 2008-9/ Lectures 2008-9

Predavanja so navedena v urniku MPS.
Ogled konferenc prinese nekaj ur, npr. Informacijska druzba.
Za seminarske posljite email.

Lectures - see the MPS schedule.
Attendance at conferences counts for a couple of hours, e.g., Information society.
Individual work - send an email.

28.10.2008 Informacijska druzba / Information society

7.1.2009 Informacijska druzba - inteligentni sistemi / Information society - Intelligent systems

7.4.2009 Inteligentni agenti/Intelligent agents

14.4.2009 Kognitivne znanosti/Cognitive sciences

Predavanja 2006-7/ Lectures 2006-7

Leta 2006 in 2007 so bila predavanja izvedena v enem dnevu - v letu 2007 22.10.2007. A lecture was delivered on October 2007.

Predavanja 2005/ Lectures 2005

A lecture was delivered on November 17. Individual work - send an email.

Predavanja 2004/ Lectures 2004

Predavanja so bila 18.11.2004 v cetrtek na podiplomski soli IJS, 4 ure predavanj, druga predavanja so bila 28.2.2005, 1.3.2005, 2.3.2005 kot obisk AgentLinkIII na IJS.

First lectures were on Thursday 18.11.2004 at 15.15, 4 hours, second lectures on 28.2.2005, 1.3.2005, 2.3.2005 in the form of AgentLinkIII held at IJS first days of March. In 2006 and 2007, lectures were performed in 1 day - 22.10.2007.