
Predstavitev članka Predicting Performance Improvement of Human Activity Recognition Model by Additional Data Collection – David Susič

V članku je predstavljena metoda za postavljanje strategije zbiranja novih podatkov za izboljšavo modela prepoznavanja človeških aktivnosti. Na podlagi že...

Brief Summary and Review of IEEE BHI-BSN 2022 Conference – Gašper Slapničar

A brief summary and short overview of the IEEE BHI-BSN 2022 conference, in which some relevant and interesting publications were...

Young Researcher Position

Young researcher (regular employment, application deadline 31 August 2022) In October 2022, a young researcher position will be available in...

WideHealth 2nd newsletter published

Our department is a partner in the WideHealth project, which is providing training and networking opportunities on pervasive health. We...

WideHealth Summer School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health

Our department is a partner in the WideHealth project, which is providing training and networking opportunities on pervasive health. We...

Novo delovno mesto – Vodja laboratorija

Novo delovno mesto – Vodja laboratorija

Novo delovno mesto Raziskovalec – asistent

Novo delovno mesto Raziskovalec – asistent

Podelitev častnih listin

V okviru 30. Dnevov Jožefa Stefana so bile na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” podeljene častne listine štirim podjetjem ter sedmim posameznicam...

Senior helper

As part of the project Insieme (officially: ISE-EMH), and HoCare 2.0 we developed an android application intended for the elderly...

Emilija – presentation

Emilija presented to her fellow coworkers her previous education and work experiences, research and industrial projects she was part of...

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