
Successful collaboration of Jožef Stefan Institute and Kolektor Group in Artemis project COPCAMS

Successful collaboration of Jožef Stefan Institute and Kolektor Group in Artemis project COPCAMS

In Artemis project COPCAMS (COgnitive & Perceptive CAMeraS), Jožef Stefan Institute (Computational Intelligence Group, Department of Intelligent Systems) and Kolektor...

Tutorial “Visualization in Multiobjective Optimization” was given by Bogdan Filipič and Tea Tušar at GECCO 2016

Tutorial “Visualization in Multiobjective Optimization” was given by Bogdan Filipič and Tea Tušar at GECCO 2016

At the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2016, held during 20-24 July in Denver, Colorado, USA, members of the...

Spletna aplikacija za prepoznavanje in informiranje o spolno prenosljivih okužbah

Spletna aplikacija za prepoznavanje in informiranje o spolno prenosljivih okužbah

Sodelavci odseka E9 (Gams, Luštrek, Gradišek) so pomagali pri razvoju prve slovenske interaktivne spletne aplikacije, preko katere se uporabniki lahko...

Start of scientific cooperation with Shinshu University

Start of scientific cooperation with Shinshu University

On May 23 and 24, 2016 Prof. Kiyoshi Tanaka, a Vice-President of Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, and Hernán Aguirre, an...

BIOMA 2016 held in Bled 18-20 May 2016

BIOMA 2016 held in Bled 18-20 May 2016

Coorganized by the Department of Intelligent Systems, BIOMA 2016, the 7th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications...

Vabljeni na slavnostno otvoritev 19. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba 2016.

Vabljeni na slavnostno otvoritev 19. mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba 2016. Otvoritev bo 10. oktobra od 13h do 14h v veliki...

HeartMan project coordinated by DIS was just kicked-off

HeartMan project coordinated by DIS was just kicked-off

HeartMan project coordinated by DIS was just kicked-off Personal Decision Support System for Heart Failure Management (HeartMan) is a Horizon...

Bogdan Filipič among the finalists for the 2015 Supervisor of the Year Award

Bogdan Filipič among the finalists for the 2015 Supervisor of the Year Award

Society of Young Researchers of Slovenia (DMRS) traditionally organizes the Supervisor of the Year event aimed at acknowledging and promoting...

Best Paper Award received at the European conference on Ambient Intelligence – AmI 2015

Best Paper Award received at the European conference on Ambient Intelligence – AmI 2015

Best Paper Award received at the European conference on Ambient Intelligence – AmI 2015, which took place in Athens, Greece,...

Martin Frešer will talk about OWL ontologies

Martin Frešer will talk about OWL ontologies

On Monday 9th of November, Martin Frešer will talk about OWL ontologies. He will introduce the general ontology structure and...

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