Computational intelligence


Computational intelligence is a study of stochastic search, optimization and learning methods, inspired by natural systems. Research in this area at the JSI Department of Intelligent Systems focuses on evolutionary computation and optimization. We study evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective optimization, their enhancement through parallel computing and surrogate models, constraint handling in multiobjective optimization, visualization of optimization results, and optimization algorithm benchmarking.

Our research findings and developed algorithms represent a basis for applications in diverse areas including:

  • Engineering design
  • Manufacturing
  • Scheduling
  • Energy efficiency
  • Product quality control
  • Transportation
  • Space exploration
  • Epidemiology

Contact Bogdan Filipič




T. Tušar The main objectives of the SEEDS project (Cost-effective and replicable RES-integrated electrified heating and cooling systems for improved...

Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems

Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems

V. Janko, M. Gams, B. Filipič, T. Šef, M. Luštrek, T. Tušar, A. Gradišek, E. Dovgan, M. Mlakar, J. Krivec,...

Characterization of constrained continuous multiobjective optimization problems

Characterization of constrained continuous multiobjective optimization problems

A. Vodopija (Supervised by B. Filipič) Within the doctoral research project, we aim at characterizing constrained continuous multiobjective optimization problems...

Constrained multiobjective optimization based on problem landscape analysis

Constrained multiobjective optimization based on problem landscape analysis

B. Filipič, T. Tušar, A. Vodopija, A. Andova


Simulation-based optimization of cogging torque in electric motor design

Simulation-based optimization of cogging torque in electric motor design

B. Filipič, T. Tušar, A. Vodopija, J. Cork This applied project deals with simulation-based optimization in electric motor design. The...



T. Tušar, A. Vodopija We collaborated with the Department of Knowledge Technologies and the Senso4s d.o.o. company in designing a...

Intelligent and environmentally friendly scheduling of field work – MF-Scheduler

Intelligent and environmentally friendly scheduling of field work – MF-Scheduler

B. Filipič, T. Tušar, A. Vodopija Scheduling of field work entails solving a demanding routing and scheduling problem. We assist...

Multi-objective optimization for artificial intelligence systems in industry

Multi-objective optimization for artificial intelligence systems in industry

B. Filipič, T. Tušar, A. Vodopija This is a bilateral, Slovenian-German project carried out together with the Institute for Data...

Machine vision quality control of molded plastic parts

Machine vision quality control of molded plastic parts

B. Filipič, E. Dovgan A project in collaboration with the MPT company

Improved planning of manufacturing processes for individualized tools

Improved planning of manufacturing processes for individualized tools

B. Filipič, E. Dovgan A project in collaboration with the Plamtex INT company

1 2 3 4



The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) is a key scientific event in the area of genetic and evolutionary computation...

GECCO Job Market

GECCO Job Market

T. Tušar, B. Naujoks The Job Market is a GECCO event (organized every year since 2017) where people offering jobs...

Tutorial on Benchmarking Multiobjective Optimizers 2.0

Tutorial on Benchmarking Multiobjective Optimizers 2.0

D. Brockhoff, T. Tušar In this tutorial, we discuss the past and future of benchmarking multiobjective optimizers. In particular, we...

Tutorial on constraint handling in mutliobjective optimization

Tutorial on constraint handling in mutliobjective optimization

B. Filipič, A. Vodopija This tutorial provides an overview of the state of the art in constraint handling in multiobjective...

Tutorial on Visualization in Multiobjective Optimization

Tutorial on Visualization in Multiobjective Optimization

B. Filipič, T. Tušar This tutorial provides an overview of representative methods used in multiobjective optimization for visualizing: (1) individual...

Tutorial on Deploying Evolutionary Computation in Industry: Challenges and Lessons Learned

Tutorial on Deploying Evolutionary Computation in Industry: Challenges and Lessons Learned

B. Filipič This tutorial presents the challenges faced and lessons learned in designing evolutionary algorithms for industrial optimization problems that...

1 2


Prof. Bogdan Filipič

Computational Intelligence Head

+386 1 477 3352

Andrejaana Andova, M.Sc.

Computational Intelligence

+386 1 477 3807

Jordan Cork, B.Sc.

Computational Intelligence

+386 1 477 3564

Dr. Tea Tušar

Computational Intelligence

+386 1 477 3462

Aljoša Vodopija, M.Sc.

Computational Intelligence


67 entries « 1 of 2 »



Vanessa Volz, Boris Naujoks, Pascal Kerschke, Tea Tušar

Tools for landscape analysis of optimisation problems in Procedural Content Generation for games @article


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Vito Janko, Nina Reščič, Aljoša Vodopija, David Susič, Carlo De Masi, Tea Tušar, Anton Gradišek, Sophie Vandepitte, Delphine De Smedt, Jana S. Javornik, Matjaž Gams, Mitja Luštrek

Optimizing non-pharmaceutical intervention strategies against COVID-19 using artificial intelligence @article


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Koen van der Blom, Timo M. Deist, Vanessa Volz, Mariapia Marchi, Yusuke Nojima, Boris Naujoks, Akira Oyama, Tea Tušar

Identifying properties of real-world optimisation problems through a questionnaire @incollection


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Tea Tušar, Aljoša Vodopija, Bogdan Filipič

Visual exploration of the effect of constraint handling in multiobjective optimization @inproceedings


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Tea Tušar, Peter Korošec, Bogdan Filipič

Večstopenjski postopek vrednotenja rešitev pri načrtovanju elektromotorja = A multi-step evaluation process in electric motor design @inproceedings



Bogdan Filipič

Randomized optimization : from algorithmic studies to industrial applications @inproceedings



Andrejaana Andova, Aljoša Vodopija, Jordan Cork, Tea Tušar, Bogdan Filipič

An attempt at predicting algorithm performance on constrained multiobjective optimization problems @inproceedings



Andrejaana Andova, Tobias Benecke, Ludwig Harald, Tea Tušar

Towards constructing a suite of multi-objective optimization problems with diverse landscapes @inproceedings


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Aljoša Vodopija, Tea Tušar, Bogdan Filipič

Characterization of constrained continuous multiobjective optimization problems : a feature space perspective @article


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Dimo Brockhoff, Anne Auger, Nikolaus Hansen, Tea Tušar

Using well-understood single-objective functions in multiobjective black-box optimization test suites @article


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Nikolaus Hansen, Anne Auger, Dimo Brockhoff, Tea Tušar

Anytime performance assessment in blackbox optimization benchmarking @article


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Aljoša Vodopija, Jörg Stork, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Bogdan Filipič

Elevator group control as a constrained multiobjective optimization problem @article


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Stefan Kalabakov, Simon Stankoski, Ivana Kiprijanovska, Andrejaana Andova, Nina Reščič, Vito Janko, Martin Gjoreski, Matjaž Gams, Mitja Luštrek, others

What actually works for activity recognition in scenarios with significant domain shift : lessons learned from the 2019 and 2020 Sussex-Huawei challenges @article


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Pavel Krömer, Vojtěch Uher, Andrejaana Andova, Tea Tušar, Bogdan Filipič

Sampling strategies for exploratory landscape analysis of bi-objective problems @inproceedings



Tea Tušar, Nace Sever, Aljoša Vodopija, Bogdan Filipič

Študija učinkovitosti algoritma za razporejanje terenskega dela = A study of the performance of a fieldwork scheduling algorithm @inproceedings



Conference Papers

Andrejaana Andova, Aljoša Vodopija, Pavel Krömer, Vojtěch Uher, Tea Tušar, Bogdan Filipič

Initial results in predicting high-level features of constrained multi-objective optimization problems Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : Informacijska družba - IS 2022 = Information Society - IS 2022 : zbornik 25. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 25th international multiconference : zvezek A = volume A : 11. oktober 2022, 11 October 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenija, pp. str. 7-10, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2022.



Journal Articles

Marko Bohanec, Aljoša Vodopija, Mitja Luštrek, others

HeartMan DSS : a decision support system for self-management of congestive heart failure Journal Article

In: Expert systems with applications, vol. vol. 186, pp. str. 115688-1-115688-13, 2021.

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Mitja Luštrek, Marko Bohanec, Erik Dovgan, Jure Lampe, Miha Mlakar, Gašper Slapničar, Jakob Valič, Aljoša Vodopija, others

A personal health system for self-management of congestive heart failure (HeartMan) : development, technical evaluation, and proof-of-concept randomized controlled trial Journal Article

In: JMIR medical informatics, vol. vol. 9, no. iss. 3, pp. 19 str., 2021.

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Els Clays, Mitja Luštrek, Marko Bohanec, Jakob Valič, Aljoša Vodopija, others

Proof-of-concept trial results of the HeartMan mobile personal health system for self-management in congestive heart failure Journal Article

In: Scientific reports, vol. vol. 11, pp. str. 5663-1-5663-10, 2021.

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Valentin Koblar, Bogdan Filipič

Evolutionary design of a system for online surface roughness measurements Journal Article

In: Mathematics, vol. vol. 9, no. no. 16, pp. str. 1904-1-1904-18, 2021.

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Conference Papers

Mitja Luštrek, Nina Reščič, Vito Janko, David Susič, Carlo De Masi, Aljoša Vodopija, Matej Marinkovič, Tea Tušar, Erik Dovgan, Matej Cigale, Anton Gradišek, Matjaž Gams

Napovedovanje trendov in optimiziranje ukrepov v boju proti pandemiji COVID-19 : Tekmovanje XPRIZE in naslednji koraki : Forecasting trends and optimizing the intervention plans against the COVID-19 pandemic: The XPRIZE competition and beyond Inproceedings

In: Matjaž Gams, Primož Kocuvan, Flavio Rizzolio (Ed.): Delavnica projekta Insieme = Insieme Project Workshop : 5. oktober 2021, 5 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2021 = Information Society - IS 2021 : zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 24th international multiconference : zvezek D = volume D, pp. str. 52-55, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2021.


Nina Reščič, Vito Janko, David Susič, Carlo De Masi, Aljoša Vodopija, Matej Marinko, Tea Tušar, Erik Dovgan, Matej Cigale, Anton Gradišek, Matjaž Gams, Mitja Luštrek

Finding efficient intervention plans against Covid-19 : second place at the XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge Inproceedings

In: Marija Kalendar (Ed.): XV International Conference ETAI 2021 : 23-24 September, online Conference = 23-24 Septembri 2021, virtualna konferencija : zbornik na trudovi = conference proceedings, pp. str. 139-143, ETAI Society of Macedonia, Skopje, 2021.


Aljoša Vodopija, Tea Tušar, Bogdan Filipič

Analyzing the diversity of constrained multiobjective optimization test suites Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : 8. oktober 2021, 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2021 = Information Society - IS 2021 : zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 24th international multiconference : zvezek A = volume A, pp. str. 51-54, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2021.


Vito Janko, Nina Reščič, Tea Tušar, Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams

What-if analysis of countermeasures against COVID-19 in November 2020 in Slovenia Inproceedings

In: Matjaž Gams, Primož Kocuvan, Flavio Rizzolio (Ed.): Delavnica projekta Insieme = Insieme Project Workshop : 5. oktober 2021, 5 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2021 = Information Society - IS 2021 : zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 24th international multiconference : zvezek D = volume D, pp. str. 42-45, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2021.


Andrejaana Andova, Bogdan Filipič

Some experimental results in evolutionary multitasking Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : 8. oktober 2021, 8 October 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2021 = Information Society - IS 2021 : zbornik 24. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 24th international multiconference : zvezek A = volume A, pp. str. 11-14, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2021.


Aljoša Vodopija, Beate Breiderhoff, Boris Naujoks, Bogdan Filipič

Design of cyclone dust separators : a constrained multiobjective optimization perspective Inproceedings

In: 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE CEC 2021, June 28th and July 1st 2021, Kraków, Poland, pp. str. 1983-1990, IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, 2021.

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Journal Articles

Konstantinos Varelas, Ouassim Ait El Hara, Dimo Brockhoff, Nikolaus Hansen, Duc Manh Nguyen, Tea Tušar, Anne Auger

Benchmarking large-scale continuous optimizers : the bbob-largescale testbed, a COCO software guide and beyond Journal Article

In: Applied soft computing, vol. vol. 97, no. part a, pp. str. 106737-1-106737-13, 2020.

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Jernej Zupančič, Bogdan Filipič, Matjaž Gams

Genetic-programming-based multi-objective optimization of strategies for home energy-management systems Journal Article

In: Energy, vol. vol. 203, pp. str. 117769-1-117769-15, 2020.

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Book Chapters

Jörg Stork, Martina Friese, Martin Zaefferer, Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Andreas Fischbach, Beate Breiderhoff, Boris Naujoks, Tea Tušar

Open issues in surrogate-assisted optimization Incollection

In: Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Bogdan Filipič, Peter Korošec (Ed.): High-performance simulation-based optimization, pp. str. 225-244, Springer, Cham, 2020.


Hernan Aguirre, Tanaka Kiyoshi, Tea Tušar, Bogdan Filipič

Optimization and visualization in many-objective space trajectory design Incollection

In: Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, Bogdan Filipič, Peter Korošec (Ed.): High-performance simulation-based optimization, pp. str. 93-112, Springer, Cham, 2020.


Conference Papers

Aljoša Vodopija, Vito Janko, Mitja Luštrek, Bogdan Filipič

Constrained multiobjective optimization for the design of energy-efficient context recognition systems Inproceedings

In: Bogdan Filipič, Edmondo Minisci, Massimiliano Vasile (Ed.): Bioinspired optimization methods and their applications : 9th International Conference, BIOMA 2020, Brussels, Belgium, November 19-20, 2020, pp. str. 308-320, Springer, Cham, 2020.


Andraž Levstek, Darja Silan, Aljoša Vodopija

Analiza glasu kot diagnostična metoda za odkrivanje Parkinsonove bolezni = Speech anlysis as a diagnostic method for the detection of Parkinson's disease Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : 6.-7. oktober 2020, 6-7 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2020 = Information Society - IS 2020 : zbornik 23. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 23rd innternational multiconference : zvezek A = volume A, pp. str. 59-62, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2020.


Stefan Kalabakov, Simon Stankoski, Nina Reščič, Ivana Kiprijanovska, Andrejaana Andova, Clement Picard, Vito Janko, Martin Gjoreski, Mitja Luštrek

Tackling the SHL challenge 2020 with person-specific classifiers and semi-supervised learning Inproceedings

In: UbiComp/ISWC '20 adjunct : proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers : September 12-17, 2020 : September 12-17, 2020, pp. str. 323-328, ACM = The Association for Computing Machinery, New York, New York, 2020.

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Andrejaana Andova, Stefano Bromuri, Mitja Luštrek

Using Mozilla's DeepSpeech to improve speech emotion recognition Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : 6.-7. oktober 2020, 6-7 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2020 = Information Society - IS 2020 : zbornik 23. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 23rd innternational multiconference : zvezek A = volume A, pp. str. 7-10, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2020.


Erik Dovgan, Bogdan Filipič

Semantic feature selection for AI-based estimation of operation durations in individualized tool manufacturing Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : 6.-7. oktober 2020, 6-7 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2020 = Information Society - IS 2020 : zbornik 23. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 23rd innternational multiconference : zvezek A = volume A, pp. str. 19-22, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2020.


Tea Tušar

Interaktivna vizualizacija proračuna Republike Slovenije s Sankeyevim diagramom = Interactive visualization of the Slovenian budget with the Sankey diagram Inproceedings

In: Veljko Pejović, Matjaž Kljun, Vida Groznik, Domen Šoberl, Klen Čopič Pucihar, Bojan Blažica, Jure Žabkar, Matevž Pesek, Jože Guna, Simon Kolmanič (Ed.): Interakcija človek-računalnik v informacijski družbi = Human-Computer Interaction in Information Society : 7. oktober 2020, 7 October 2020, Ljubljana, Slovenia : Informacijska družba - IS 2020 = Information Society - IS 2020 : zbornik 23. mednarodne multikonference = proceedings of the 23rd international multiconference : zvezek H = volume H, pp. str. 9-12, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2020.



Journal Articles

Andrejaana Andova, Clarissa P. C. Gomes, Mitja Luštrek, Behalf EU-CardioRNA COST Action (CA17129)

Catalyzing transcriptomics research in cardiovascular disease : the CardioRNA COST action CA17129 Journal Article

In: Non-coding RNA, vol. vol. 5, no. no 2, pp. str. 31-1-31-13, 2019.

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Erik Dovgan, Matjaž Gams, Bogdan Filipič

A real-time multiobjective optimization algorithm for discovering driving strategies Journal Article

In: Transportation science, vol. vol. 53, no. no. 3, pp. str. 695-707, 2019.

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Conference Papers

Miha Hafner, David Rajšter, Marko Žibert, Ulrich Zorin, Bernard Ženko, Tea Tušar

New optimization and decision support technologies in tunnel design, operation and traffic management Inproceedings

In: Angelo Žigon (Ed.): Zbornik referatov = Proceedings, pp. str. 37-49, Slovensko društvo za podzemne gradnje, = Slovenian Society for Underground Structures, Ljubljana, 2019.


Vanessa Volz, Boris Naujoks, Pascal Kerschke, Tea Tušar

Single- and multi-objective game-benchmark for evolutionary algorithms Inproceedings

In: Manuel López-Ibáñez (Ed.): GECCO '19 : Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Prague, Czech Republic - July 13 - 17, 2019, pp. str. 647-655, ACM = Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2019.

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Andrejaana Andova, Mitja Luštrek

Five attempts at cross-dataset speech emotion recognition Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci : zbornik 22. Mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2019, 10. oktober 2019 : zvezek A = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : proceedings of the 22nd International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2019, 10 October, 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia : volume A, pp. str. 81-84, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2019.


Dimo Brockhoff, Tea Tušar

Benchmarking algorithms from the platypus framework on the biobjective bbob-biobj testbed Inproceedings

In: GECCO' 19 : Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Prague, Czech Republic - July 13 - 17, 2019, pp. str. 1905-1911, ACM = The Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2019.

BibTeX | Links:

Miha Hafner, David Rajšter, Marko Žibert, Tea Tušar, Bernard Ženko, Martin Žnidaršič, Flavio Fuart, Daniel Vladušič

Artificial intelligence support for tunnel design in urban areas Inproceedings

In: Daniele Peila, Giulia Viggiani, Celestino Tarcisio (Ed.): Tunnels and underground cities. Engineering and innovation meet archaeology, architecture and art : proceedings of the WTC 2019 ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2019), May 3-9, 2019, Naples, Italy, pp. str. 1-10, Taylor & Francis, London, New York, 2019.


Tea Tušar, Dimo Brockhoff, Nikolaus Hansen

Mixed-integer benchmark problems for single- and bi-objective optimization Inproceedings

In: Manuel López-Ibáñez (Ed.): GECCO '19 : Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Prague, Czech Republic - July 13 - 17, 2019, pp. str. 718-726, ACM = Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2019.

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Andrea De Lorenzo, Eric Medvet, Tea Tušar, Alberto Bartoli

An analysis of dimensionality reduction techniques for visualizing evolution Inproceedings

In: GECCO' 19 : Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Prague, Czech Republic - July 13 - 17, 2019, pp. str. 1864-1872, ACM = The Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2019.

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Tea Tušar, Vanessa Volz, Dimo Brockhoff, Nikolaus Hansen

Handling real-world problems within the COCO platform Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci : zbornik 22. Mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2019, 10. oktober 2019 : zvezek A = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : proceedings of the 22nd International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2019, 10 October, 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia : volume A, pp. str. 37-40, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2019.


Aljoša Vodopija, Akira Oyama, Bogdan Filipič

Ensemble-based constraint handling in multiobjective optimization Inproceedings

In: GECCO' 19 : Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Prague, Czech Republic - July 13 - 17, 2019, pp. str. 2072-2075, ACM = The Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 2019.

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Aljoša Vodopija, Bogdan Filipič

CmoPy: Constrained Multiobjective optimization in Python Inproceedings

In: Mitja Luštrek, Matjaž Gams, Rok Piltaver (Ed.): Slovenska konferenca o umetni inteligenci : zbornik 22. Mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba - IS 2019, 10. oktober 2019 : zvezek A = Slovenian Conference on Artificial Intelligence : proceedings of the 22nd International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2019, 10 October, 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia : volume A, pp. str. 65-68, Institut "Jožef Stefan", Ljubljana, 2019.



Journal Articles

Eric Medvet, Marco Virgolin, Mauro Castelli, Peter Bosman, Ivo Gonçalves, Tea Tušar

Unveiling evolutionary algorithm representation with DU maps Journal Article

In: Genetic programming and evolvable machines, vol. vol. 19, no. no. 3, pp. str. 351-389, 2018.

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Anneleen Baert, Mitja Luštrek, Aljoša Vodopija, Marko Bohanec, On consortium

A personal decision support system for heart failure management (HeartMan) : study protocol of the HeartMan randomized controlled trial Journal Article

In: BMC cardiovascular disorders, vol. vol. 18, pp. str. 186-1-186-9, 2018.

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67 entries « 1 of 2 »