
V državni svet za predstavnika za raziskovalno dejavnost izvoljen prof. dr. Matjaž Gams

V državni svet za predstavnika za raziskovalno dejavnost izvoljen prof. dr. Matjaž Gams

Na volitvah v Državni svet 23.11.2017 je bil za predstavnika za raziskovalno dejavnost izvoljen prof. dr. Matjaž Gams. S tem...

BIOMA 2018 proceedings will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

BIOMA 2018 proceedings will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science

It is now confirmed: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications, BIOMA 2018, will...

Nagrada za najboljši referat na delavnici Boom – IJCAI 2017

Nagrada za najboljši referat na delavnici Boom – IJCAI 2017

Sodelavci z odseka E9 so dobili nagrado za najboljši referat na delavnici Boom – IJCAI 2017, katera je del največje...

Martin Goreski, mag. informacijski in kominikacijski tehnologij, Deep Learning and its applications – overview of the Deep Learning Summit and Summer School, Bilbao, Spain, 2017)

Martin Goreski, mag. informacijski in kominikacijski tehnologij, Deep Learning and its applications – overview of the Deep Learning Summit and Summer School, Bilbao, Spain, 2017)

Outline: – Deep Learning – Convolutional Neural Networks – Recurrent Neural Networks and LSTMs – Unsupervised Deep Learning – Applications...

Evolutionary Computation in Practice at GECCO 2017

Evolutionary Computation in Practice at GECCO 2017

Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2017, to be held in Berlin, 15-19 July 2017, includes the “Evolutionary Computation in...

Bela knjiga EMZ Ekosmart

Bela knjiga EMZ Ekosmart

Bela knjiga EMZ Ekosmart

GECCO Job Market

GECCO Job Market

The Job Market is a new GECCO event where people offering jobs in Evolutionary Computation can advertise open positions and...

METIS – predstavitev sistema

METIS – predstavitev sistema

Na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« so 1. junija 2017 predstavili sistem za zgodnje zaznavanje učnih težav METIS, ki je nastal skupaj...

New project started – Incorporating real-world problems into the benchmarking of multiobjective optimizers

New project started – Incorporating real-world problems into the benchmarking of multiobjective optimizers

This month marks the start of a new two-year postdoc project that will extend the state-of-the-art open-source COCO platform by...

Microsoft NT Conference 2017

Microsoft NT Conference 2017

The demonstration of the department’s Fit4Work project will be included in the opening ceremony of the Microsoft NT Conference which...

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