Podelitev častnih listin
V okviru 30. Dnevov Jožefa Stefana so bile na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” podeljene častne listine štirim podjetjem ter sedmim posameznicam...
V okviru 30. Dnevov Jožefa Stefana so bile na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” podeljene častne listine štirim podjetjem ter sedmim posameznicam...
As part of the project Insieme (officially: ISE-EMH), and HoCare 2.0 we developed an android application intended for the elderly...
Emilija presented to her fellow coworkers her previous education and work experiences, research and industrial projects she was part of...
On Monday Gjorgji had a presentation on which he showcased his previous work experiences, projects and education. The subjects of...
Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Odsek za inteligentne sisteme, razpisuje mesto za mladega raziskovalca (m/ž) v letu 2021. Mladega raziskovalca bo financirala...
Dr. Martin Gjoreski je prejel zlati znak za odmevnost doktorskega dela “Spoj klasičnega in globokega strojnega učenja za mobilno spremljanje...
Team JSI vs Covid, whose members come from the Department of Intelligent Systems, won the second prize and $250K. The...
Stop autonomous weapons – do not endanger humanity (Mary Wareham is ending her coordinatorship of the Campaign to Stop Killer...
The department’s team JSI vs COVID is competing in the $500K Pandemic Response Challenge sponsored by Cognizant and organized by...
In January 2021 an online kick-off meeting for the “Widening Research on Pervasive and eHealth” (WideHealth) project, funded by EU...