Personal Data:
Phone: (+386)(1) 4773 644
Fax: (+386)(1) 477 3131
E-mail: matjaz.gams@ijs.si
Address: Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe
Poročila iz Drzavnega sveta- blog / Reports from the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia; v 3. poskusu s posvetom izpeljali novo zakonodajo o cepljenju
Alan Turing (in Slovene), InLife H2020 project, InLife movie, InLife movie (in Slovene), InLife (in Slovene), Confidence FP7
Several victories in worldwide competitions: xPrize for Covid 2021 (second prize 250.000); Sussex-Huawei 2018 picture, PPT in Slovene; victory EvAAL 2013 (in Slovene)
Solved several hard logical questions, e.g. the hanging paradox, the Pinnochio paradox
Studying issues at the level of human, Eeuropean and Slovenian civilisation: Longivity of human civilisation, Stop autonomous weapons – UN, Demography – the major issue (in Slovene)
White book ecology (in Slovene)
White book demography (in Slovene)
Second trilogy book “6th extinction, Slovenian demographical problems” – “Slovence izumirajo” (knjiga – in Slovene), cover page, whole book
First trilogy book “Slovenian myths” – “Slovence strizejo” (knjiga – in Slovene), cover page, whole book, video, 1h intervju)
Z veseljem predstavim vabljeno predavanje, če imate konferenco ali sestanek društva (pogoj 20 slušalcev).