
Personal Data:
Phone: (+386)(1) 4773 644
Fax: (+386)(1) 477 3131
Address: Jozef Stefan InstituteDepartment of Intelligent Systems, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe

Poročila iz Drzavnega sveta- blog / Reports from the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia; v 3. poskusu s posvetom izpeljali novo zakonodajo o cepljenju

Alan Turing (in Slovene)InLife H2020 projectInLife movieInLife movie (in Slovene)InLife (in Slovene)Confidence FP7

Several victories in worldwide competitions: xPrize for Covid 2021 (second prize 250.000)Sussex-Huawei 2018 picturePPT in Slovenevictory EvAAL 2013 (in Slovene)

Solved several hard logical questions, e.g. the hanging paradoxthe Pinnochio paradox

Studying issues at the level of human, Eeuropean and Slovenian civilisation: Longivity of human civilisationStop autonomous weapons – UNDemography – the major issue (in Slovene)

White book ecology (in Slovene)

White book demography (in Slovene)

Second trilogy book “6th extinction, Slovenian demographical problems” – “Slovence izumirajo” (knjiga – in Slovene), cover pagewhole book
First trilogy book “Slovenian myths” – “Slovence strizejo” (knjiga – in Slovene), cover pagewhole bookvideo, 1h intervju)

Z veseljem predstavim vabljeno predavanje, če imate konferenco ali sestanek društva (pogoj 20 slušalcev).

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