Young Researcher Position
Young researcher (regular employment, application deadline 31 August 2022)
In October 2022, a young researcher position will be available in the Computational Intelligence Group of the Department of Intelligent Systems at the “Jožef Stefan” Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Researchers from the Computational Intelligence Group study evolutionary algorithms for single- and multiobjective optimization, visualization of their results, and performance assassment methodology. We deal with both basic research and applied projects, and we have many collaborations with researchers from other European countries (Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany; Inria Saclay and École Polytechnique, France; University of Trieste, Italy; Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic).
For the young researcher position, we are looking for a person who wants to deepen their knowledge, likes to develop their ideas and knows the Python programming language. The candidate must complete a second-level university study program (mathematics, computer science or other relevant fields) by September 14, 2022 with an average study grade of at least 8 (the grades of the bachelor’s and master’s thesis are also taken into account).
The young researcher will be involved in research in the field of computational intelligence. They will be employed at the “Jožef Stefan” Institute and will attend doctoral studies in Information and Communication Technologies at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School, where they will receive the title of Doctor of Science after successfully defending their dissertation.
More information about the conditions: https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Young%20researchers%2C%20fellowships
Contact for additional information and expression of interest: tea.tusar@ijs.si