..::DEMO on DTLZ and WFG problems
We experimented with DEMO in four variants that differ only in the chosen environmental selection:
  • DEMO NS-II uses environmental selection from NSGA-II

  • DEMO SP2 uses environmental selection from SPEA2

  • DEMO IB eps uses environmental selection from IBEA with eps indicator

  • DEMO IB hd uses environmental selection from IBEA with hd indicator

DEMO with the chosen environmental selection was compared to the respective genetic algorithm on 7 DTLZ problems and 9 WFG problems (each using 2, 3 and 4 objectives):

Normalized approximation sets (view readme.txt)
› DEMO SP2 vs. SPEA2
Normalized approximation sets (view readme.txt)
› DEMO IB eps vs. IBEA eps
Normalized approximation sets (view readme.txt)
› DEMO IB hd vs. IBEA hd
Normalized approximation sets (view readme.txt)

go back to research -- see first experiments
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