New project started – Incorporating real-world problems into the benchmarking of multiobjective optimizers
This month marks the start of a new two-year postdoc project that will extend the state-of-the-art open-source COCO platform by...
This month marks the start of a new two-year postdoc project that will extend the state-of-the-art open-source COCO platform by...
The demonstration of the department’s Fit4Work project will be included in the opening ceremony of the Microsoft NT Conference which...
Za leto 2016 je bil za najboljšega mladega raziskovalca do 30 let v Makedoniji proglašen Hristijan Gjoreski (mentor Matjaž Gams),...
Vabljeni na predavanje 20. 4. 2017 ob 18h na Institutu “Jožef Stefan”, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Velika predavalnica, na temo: “Kako...
30. slovenska delavnica Algoritmi po vzorih iz narave (AVN) bo potekala na Šmarni gori 9. 5. 2017, tokrat z mednarodno...
JSI is a partner in the H2020 project CrowdHealth, coordinated by Atos, which has just started with a kick-off meeting...
Join Women@GECCO 2017. This year, the workshop expands its focus from “by women for women” to “GECCO women welcome EC...
BIOMA 2018, the 8th International Conference on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and their Applications will take place in Paris, 16-18 May...
On March 13, 2017 Tea Tušar held an invited lecture entitled “An Introduction to Data Visualization” at the Joint ICTP-IAEA...
The BBOB 2017 Workshop invites any submission related to black-box optimization benchmarking of continuous optimizers in the widest sense, for...