HomeDOCtor is the name of the computer system and project. Its purpose is to provide residents of Slovenia with concrete advice for mild to moderate health issues, so they do not need to seek medical assistance. The system also assesses whether a visit to a doctor is recommended, and in any case, it is up to the user to decide how much to follow the advice. Currently, it is about testing the system, collecting feedback, and then developing a better version. In our tests, the system has shown excellent functional quality and vast knowledge – of course, as a prototype. Currently, in Slovenia, 140,000 citizens are without a personal doctor, and 250,000 women are without a gynecologist.Together with science, the professional knowledge of doctors, and the cooperation of all citizens, we can improve the quality of life. The development of the HomeDOCtor application involved artificial intelligence researchers from the agent group of the Intelligent Systems Department at the Jožef Stefan Institute, students from the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana, and doctors from the Medical Chamber of Slovenia.