Tutorial onConstraint Handling in Multiobjective Optimizationby Bogdan Filipič and Aljoša VodopijaAbstractThis tutorial provides an overview of the state of the art in constraint handling in multiobjective optimization. It starts with the motivation for dealing with constrained multiobjective optimization problems (CMOPs), gives their formal definition, and describes the prerequisites for and challenges in solving CMOPs. Next, it discusses constraint handling techniques (CHTs) for both single- and multiobjective optimization with an emphasis on the recently proposed techniques for multiobjective optimization. It further presents the test problems, contrasts the artificial and real-world test problems, and characterizes the problems from the perspective of constraints. It also discusses the means for assessing the performance of algorithms solving CMOPs. The tutorial concludes with a summary of the state of the art and a discussion of open issues and future research directions. HandoutsConstraint Handling in Multiobjective Optimization Presenters
Bogdan Filipič is a senior researcher and head of Computational Intelligence Group at the Department of Intelligent Systems of the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and associate professor of Computer Science at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Ljubljana. His research interests are in artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation and stochasticrandomizedsurrogate models. He is also active in promoting evolutionary computation in practice and has led optimization projects for steel industry, car manufacturing and energy management. He served as the general chair of PPSN 2014 and the program chair of BIOMA 2020, and organized several special sessions and tracks at major international conferences. He was a guest lecturer at the University of Oulu, Finland, and the VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and was giving tutorials at recent CEC and GECCO conferences. Aljoša Vodopija is a research assistant at the Department of Intelligent Systems of the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, and a final-year Ph.D. student of Information and Communication Technologies at the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. In 2017, he received his M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. He joined the Department of Intelligent Systems in 2016. He initially spent two years working on Horizon 2020 projects. His research involved optimization, machine learning and model-driven decision support systems. In his doctoral research, he focuses on constrained multiobjective optimization with evolutionary algorithms. Besides, he participates in international projects developing solutions for engineering optimization problems, including the design of elevator systems and cyclone dust separators, and finding optimal landing sites for lunar landers. |