
Gemini AI presentation

Matjaž Gams presented some features of the Google most capable and general model – Gemini.


The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) is a key scientific event in the area of genetic and evolutionary computation...

Zoja Anzur presentation

Zoja had a presentation about her visit to the Summer School – Bumblekite (MLSS).

IJS predavanje o GPT – kako doseči 2x povečanje produktivnosti?


Home Doctor app presentation

Student Matic Zadobovšek presented an application called Home Doctor, which aims to combine knowledge with the Insieme platform, the

Presentation about Trust-ME project

Zoja and Gašper had a presentation about Trust-ME project. ppt

Presentation about GPTs

Primož presented own GPT models, created for special use.

WideHealth Summer School on Human Factors in Pervasive Health

Our department is a partner in the WideHealth project, which is providing training and networking opportunities on pervasive health. We...

Intelligent Environments Workshop

Intelligent Environments Workshop

M. Luštrek Dr. Mitja Luštrek was the general organizer and coordinator of all the workshops taking place as part of...

WideHealth Winter School on e-Health & Pervasive Technologies

WideHealth Winter School on e-Health & Pervasive Technologies

M. Luštrek, N. Reščič, V. Janko We organized a winter school as part of the WideHealth project, which hosted a...

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