e-doorman (minimum version)
Video surveillance app with remote alarming and management
E-doorman transforms your tablet into a video surveillance device that detects motion based on video analysis and sends alarms and warnings via SMS and e-mail. The app offers high level of security and is packed with handy features such as: remote control via SMS, power supply lost warning, etc.
- State-of-the-art video motion detection
- Send SMS alarm
- Send e-mail alarm with pictures
- Store pictures to SD card
- Remote administration via SMS (dedicated app)
- Power supply lost warning
- Remote listen in function
e-doorman - remote control
Requires Android 3.0 or higher, camera, WiFi or 3G network connection, 3G module for sending SMS and receiving calls.
Requires Android 2.1 and up, option to send SMS.
QR Code
QR Code
E-doorman is an Android application that transforms your tablet PC into a video surveillance device. It uses state-of-the-art machine vision algorithm to detect motion in real-time. When motion is detected, it stores pictures of the moving object to SD card and sends alarms via SMS to desired phone numbers and/or e-mail with attached pictures to desired e-mail adresses. The app can also be controlled remotely via SMS using a free complementary app. When surveillance is turned on the app works in stealth mode, monitors power supply and sends warning when power is lost or low, and automatically accepts incoming calls from selected phone numbers to allow remote listen in function.
If you want to know who is sniffing around your room when you are not at home this is the app for you. Features:
- State-of-the-art machine vision algorithm for motion detection
- Send SMS alarm
- Send e-mail alarm with pictures
- Store pictures to SD card
- Remote administration via SMS (free dedicated app)
- Power supply lost warning
- Remote listen in function
- Password protected
- Multiple users
- Events log
- Stealth mode
- Runs in background
- Automatic restart after system reboot
- Event list filters
- Working on android 4.1
- Gallery of the captured images
- Password can be reset (e.g., if forgotten)
- Quick set-up wizard
- Landscape GUI mode
- Receives SMS in background (runs as service)
- Notification bar added
The app is developed at the Jozef Stefan Institute(Slovenia) by the Department of Intelligent Systems in collaboration with: Kovinoplastika Lož d.d. and Elgoline d.o.o. under the umbrella of Intechles development Centre d.o.o.
Download e-doorman
Download e-doorman - remote control
e-doorman (beta)
Released on July 2nd, 2013
- NEWGUI adaptation for small screens (e.g., mobile phones)
e-doorman (beta)
Released on May 13th, 2013
- NEWEvent list filters
- NEWWorking on android 4.1
- NEWGallery of the captured images
- NEWPassword can be reset (e.g., if forgotten)
- NEWQuick set-up wizard
- NEWLandscape GUI mode
- FIXBug fixes
- FIXStability improvements
- NEWGUI improvements
e-doorman - remote control (beta)
Released on May 12th, 2013
- NEWReceives SMS in background (runs as service)
- NEWNotification bar added
- NEWGUI improvements
e-doorman (alpha)
Released on March 15th, 2013
- NEWInitial testing release
e-doorman - remote control (alpha)
Released on March 15th, 2013
- NEWInitial testing release
How to use e-doorman
The guide bellow offers a short description of main features and how to use them. You may also want to read:
Quick start guide
Complete app user manual
The main screen offers:
- Buttons at the top of the screen to :
- Edit user roles
- Edit application settings
- Help screen
- Exit application
- The big button to turn on surveillance mode (motion detection from video)
- Filters if we wish not to display all events
- The list of past events (alarms, warnings, settings changed, etc.)
- Clicking on filter name will open filter options
- If checkbox on the right side of filter is checked filter is activated (events are filtered)
If we click on the event in the list of Past events from the previous figure, we can see the gallery of the photos taken by the surveillance camera, shown in this figure.
- we can check the photos of our interest
- the photos can be deleted by pressing delete next to the photos
- they can be deleted also by selecting all of them or several of them.
A click on app settings button

opens the app settings window that allows the user to set:
- the e-mail account from which the e-mails will be sent
- motion detection threshold (low/medium/high sensitivity)
- camera to be used (front or rear)
- time delays when turning surveillance mode on and off
- language
- other
Max. attachment size means maximum size of all the photos sent at one alarm and does not influence the size of the photos saved to the SD card. Suggested size is the same or less than the maximum size of the attachment of the e-mail (e.g. 25 MB for gmail).
After the settings have been changed the app asks whether to store the changes or not. If the user decides to store the changes, he/she must enter his/her credentials in order to prevent unauthorized users to change the settings. The event is added to the list of events at the main screen so the users can check who and when has changed the settings.
A click on users button

opens the list of users where:
- new users can be added by pressing the add button
- existing user’s preferences can be edited by clicking on their name
In the user window one can:
- delete user
- change user’s name and password
- add, remove or edit user’s phone numbers and e-mail addresses and
- select the messages that will be sent: system status (e.g. tablet has power supply and is in surveillance mode), send warnings (tablet has no power connection), send alarms (motion detected)
Notification: one tablet can send SMS-es to many telephone numbers.
After changing any of the settings the user’s credentials must be entered to save the new settings.
In the case that the user forgets his/her password, he/she can reset it by pressing the »Reset password«. The user can also press »clear data« in the user settings and as the result lose all the settings and log of events except the photos, which are saved in the SD card.
The main screen has a help button

in the top row that displays a help screen explaining how to use the application.
How to use e-doorman - remote control
The e-doorman - remote control app allows the user to:
- Request the tablet app status that is returned via SMS and displayed in the list of messages bellow the buttons
- Make a phone call to the tablet that will pick up automatically when in surveillance mode to offer remote listening in function (click mute on the phone in order to prevent people near the tablet to hear you)
- Request the current picture seen by the tablet to be sent via e-mail to the user's e-mail account (user's phone number and e-mail account must be set in the user settings window)
- Turn the surveillance mode on or off
- Set the phone number of the tablet
Notification 1: one mobile phone can control only one tablet.
Notification 2: testing revealed that some tablets do not automatically respond to a call, although the correct telephone numbers are in the user profiles.
Your accounts
- use accounts on the device
- add or remove accounts
- find accounts on the device
Services that cost you money
- send SMS messages
- directly call phone number
Hardware controls
- change your audio settings
- take pictures and videos
- prevent device from sleeping
- contol vibration
Your messages
- send SMS messages
- receive text messages (SMS)
Network communications
- full network access
- view network connections
Your personal information
- read your contacts
- read call log
Phone calls
- directly call phone numbers
- read phone status and identity
- modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, modify or delete the contents of your SD card
System tools
- retrieve running apps
- modify system settings
- test access to protected storage
- run at startup
e-doorman – remote control
Services that cost you money
- send SMS messages
- directly call phone number
Your messages
- send SMS messages
- receive text messages (SMS)
- modify or delete the contents of your USB storage, modify or delete the contents of your SD card
Phone calls
- directly call phone numbers
Hardware controls
- control vibration
System tools
- test access to protected storage
e-doorman - remote control
Requires Android 3.0 or higher, camera, WiFi or 3G network connection, 3G module for sending SMS and receiving calls.
Requires Android 2.1 and up, option to send SMS.