Predstavitev konferenc v okviru mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba IS2019
Na Linku si lahko ogledate predstavitve letošnjih konferenc, katere so potekale v okviru mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba 2019.
Na Linku si lahko ogledate predstavitve letošnjih konferenc, katere so potekale v okviru mednarodne multikonference Informacijska družba 2019.
The Information Society multiconference deals with information technologies, which are of major importance for the development of Europe. IS2019 will...
Inženirska akademija Slovenije je 10.6.2019 podelila častna članstva nobelovcu slovenskih korenin Duncanu Handalu in Ronaldu Šegi, prvemu kozmonavtu slovenskega rodu,...
The HeartMan H2020 project, coordinated by DIS, officially finished at the end of April with a public conference ( The...
Tine Kolenik introduced the field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), what machine bias is and why it is important to...
Tine Kolenik presented current research trends in the field of Intelligent Cognitive Assistants (ICAs) by delving into the interdisciplinary nature...
21.11. je bilo v Palači Združenih narodov v Ženevi vabljeno predavanje M. Gamsa z naslovom: Stop Killer Robots – Superintelligence...
Raziskovalci Odseka za inteligentne sisteme Instituta “Jožef Stefan” so na odprtem svetovnem prvenstvu v prepoznavanju načina gibanja s senzorji v...
Jani Bizjak, Anton Gradišek and Matjaž Gams were awarded a special prize for innovations for economy, at a 11th International...
Department of Intelligent Systems
Jožef Stefan Institute
Jamova cesta 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 1 477 3968