The Futures of Technologies and the Technologies of the Futures
José Cordeiro (MBA, PhD) will give a talk on Tuesday, March 27th 2012 at 15:15 in JSI large lecture hall.
Change is not constant, in fact, change is accelerating very fast. Some technologies are radically changing humanity, in general, and also changing human beings, in particular. Many experts now talk about the four sciences and technologies of the future: NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno). Furthermore, the NBIC fields are rapidly converging at an accelerating rate and they will help to transcend many human limitations in order to improve human lives all around the world, and beyond our tiny planet.
Humanity is fast approaching what some people call the “Singularity”: the moment when artificial intelligence will reach human intelligence levels, and then quickly overtake it. Perhaps then some humans might become transhumans and posthumans, changing forever life on Earth and the universe.