The archive containts the approximation sets of DEMO IB eps and IBEA eps for the problems DTLZ and WFG. The files in the archive containing the approximation sets have the form X.Y.Z, where: - X stands for the problem: DTLZ1 DTLZ2 DTLZ3 DTLZ4 DTLZ5 DTLZ6 DTLZ7 WFG1 WFG2 WFG3 WFG4 WFG5 WFG6 WFG7 WFG8 WFG9 - Y stands for the algorithm: demo_ib_eps ibea_eps - Z denotes the the number of objectives: m2 = 2 objectives m3 = 3 objectives m4 = 4 objectives In all experiments, the population size was set to 100 and 300 generations were evolved. Each algorithm was run 30 times on each problem. +----------------------------------------+ | | +----------------------------------------+